Lessons that I have learnt from the life in a form of my very own personal quotes!

"Days are not bad or good! They are stationary! we change our outlook everyday"

"Smallest things can bring happiness in our lives and marvelous things can cause us grief"

"Take the ownership of your life & stop complaining"

"Bad luck is not a destiny but an outcome of a bad decision"

"Accept & respect your failure then only you can move on"

"Zero expectations from other is an eternal revelation"

"Expect only from your own self first and thereafter God Al Mighty"

"Fear Death and then act you will commit almost no sin"

"Regret is a living curse; get over it as soon as u can."

"Forgive yourself first then only God will forgive you."

"We are not always right, discussions and sharing can save us from hell; in this life and life after death"

"Untreated wounds turn into cancer, don’t hide your sorrows share with your friends and family"

"We craft our lives, if it is not going the way we want, we are at fault and need to take corrective actions"

"Dreams are never impossible otherwise they would have never come at all"

"Jeevanchakra is ever rotating! There is death to every life and there is an end to every sorrow. There is laughter for every cry. If you are crying, next for you is happiness."

"We eat even if we are not hungry; why not laugh even though you are not happy."

"Celebrate failure and it will die it's own death."

"I am good. I am happy. I am able. I can. I will ……are part of you & can do wonders."

"Harsh things with harsh ways can spoil everything. Harsh things said with a smile can let you set free in a style."

"Love is notorious in teenage. Vulnerable in 20s, gets matured in 30s & the journey is on…."

"Never hide your pain from your own people they may not be able to do everything but definitely can share the grief; the challenge is that you should know who they are"

"Unfortunate people cannot make out who is their friend and who is their enemy"

"Unfortunate are those who do not have friends & family; most unfortunate are those who have them all but still cannot identify them"

"Your own people are like your own shadow, even if you don’t see them sometime, they are there."

"Don’t borrow more than your earnings"

"God gave us children to exercise our patience and enjoy our lives at the same time"

"Have I done enough? is a fantastic question & if the answer is yes! You have! So chill and relax!

"Lack of long-term vision & in-action will kill your success in the midway"

"Do one thing a day to pamper yourself"

"Whenever you are low, go for your best time pass activity"

"Setting vision is not important enough, action is the key!"

"What's next for me? This question will always keep you going"

"Pay in charity, it will give you over all satisfaction"

"When it comes to heart & feelings let your mind judge first what is right and wrong"

"Life & people are not always black and white"

"Don’t react with the mean people in a mean way, you are better than them, so behave humane"

"God will take your rightful revenge so don't bang your head over it & move on; for HE knows the best and will take it in a more elaborate manner"

"Age is not at all a criterion to take right decisions"

"Parents can be wrong and we should accept them as they are with their shortcomings"

"Money causes the biggest mirage in the world"

" Death is a biggest truth of the Life"

Roopa sharma hasan
July 29, 2009


Unknown said…
Yes this blog realise the human tendecy and one need to understand what he expect from himself and to the almight too. Its wonderful and the best of best.
abdul jabbar said…

"Accept & respect your failure then only you can move on"
exactly right....., touching...

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