Breaking News.Terror plot behind Serial bombings in India.The real TRUTH in focus with me

Political Terrorist- Behind Bomb blasts

Bomb blasts in India are as frequent as rains in Mumbai. Hundreds are blown up into thin air everyday, leaving bloody stains on the streets and some “breaking news” behind. Someone or the other caught everyday as a scapegoat. But why those who are caught have to be “Mohds” & “Hasan” every time. I could not find answers yet. Perhaps one simple logic I did managed to get after watching the movie by Kamla hasan’s “Hay Ram”. When Hindus form some rebel group such they are called Sangh and dals and saveks & they are very much legitimate and if the same methodology is adapted by Muslims they are categorized as BANNED RELEGIOUS & anti social groups & called terrorist. Is this not amazing? I hope all my readers know the BLACK history created by all these groups time & again, recent Mumbai Vs North Indian crises, strike on Christians.

Why not media play big roll to disclose the real perpetuators of these massacres in our lives? Why not all of us create a strong public opinion on our views to alarm these political terrorist. These political terrorists can get away with the killings becoz the positions they hold and a political back up to support their crimes are robust. any antisocial group can get away with the same support system after killing innocent people and making havoc in the churches in Andra or on the roads of Mumbai by beating poor taxi drivers.

Why not our Government have special shooters to target these political terrorist who do not have any religious values AT ALL & who are real cozs of blasts? Innocent families are looted, killed and burnt alive in the riots ignited by these “Polished politicians in khadi”. Why not their houses are burnt along with their filthy bodies.

Political terrorists in khadi manufacture the raw material that is further extended in the terror camps of ISI and other related anti India camps. Please note that I am not defending anyone out here. I am making a POINT that all the Anti social groups should be dealt equally harsh. No tolerance should be exhibited to correct the system. No one should be above the LAW and the JUSTICE.

Please comment on this blog because I would be forwarding it to NDTV.


Anonymous said…
I totally agree with this. No one has the right to take the law in their hands, irrespective of cast creed and religion.
It is infact very scary to think that if each group tries to have their own way, how is it all going to end??
Letting this happen casts a very grim shadow over the future of the unity and solidarity of India.
All accused should be dealt with firmly and no one should be pardon when it comes to security of the masses.
My heartfelt prayers for the ones who have suffered.
Love for my country.
Unknown said…
What i think of reading these lines from Roopa, is that it is becoming like a habbit to attack religions based on people actions, what ever is the religion of a killer HE/SHE will be a killer not the religion it self, and i believe that we need a moment of truth with our selves and to raise all differences that we belive that we have and to remember always that we are humans what ever the race, religion or country we belong to.

Religions are to be respected irrespective of its customs and acts as long as it protects the rights of others to live in peace.
Anonymous said…
Roopa, your comments are cent percent valid and you are doing the right thing by forwarding the comments to NDTV, although, we all know that the main culprit is the media itself who tailor news in accordance with their connections within the political circuits and respecting the feelings of their "political friends". They know the truth better than us, but they would negotiate it with the culprits (their political friends) to saitsfy their financial and business interests.

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