
How are the things and how should they be?
What ought to be and what not to be?
Guide our path and pave the ways.
We wish them or not who can say?

What are the rights and what are the wrongs?
Duties or desires, is that what we aspire?
We all got the lives; do we really have the LIFE?
Who raise these questions?
Will they get the answers?

When saboteur is a friend who can hold our hands?
We are our enemies; we do not need some more.
He is more than enough to kill us on the shores.
Get some help and get one coach.
Let your dreams get nicest floor.

You are the best!
You are human make.
Let your self go & let's prevail.
Talk it, know it, feel your soul.
Let it tell you, what its goal.
What will be left that's it all.


Anonymous said…
Dear Roopa....

I love your view on the elections,and esepcially loved the Eliegibility for being a politician.
I do have to point something out...
About the grammer in your poems.
How are "the" things?
Thats incorrect english my friend.
So are many of the words in some verses.
Like..."You are human make." and
"Let it tell you, what its goal."

I have read your article and dont think that your grammer is bad--BUt sometimes in Poems--Such grammatical slips take the meaning away from poems.
Please dont take this as offensive,its just "constructive Criticizm"
Santoshi Kotian

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