Am I converting – My Jihaad

They see my business card and at once I expect their very first question.

“How come Roopa Sharma Hasan.?”

Trust still today I do not have an answer to this question that has been asked for 8 years by my friends, relatives and strangers. Almost 5 years back my answer was NO. BUT, for last 3 years there have been a constant war going on. I don’t know the answer yet. However my first battle in my religious fight is won. I do acknowledge and give “shaadaa” that there is only one God and no one share any place with HIM, living or non-living thing.

If believing in One God is a sign of being a Muslim? YES I AM. I have started fasting during Ramadan, not because everyone else around me fast but I want to exercise my will power. I give Zakaat, not because Muslims are supposed to, because I want to. I have been to Umrah by choice to seek more info & knowledge and experience from the divine visuals of HARAM. I am keen to perform Hajj. So far my willingness to perform Hajj is coming from my fear of “death” perhaps. I prey to God to give me a sense of bhakti to come close to the reality and put me on the right path & understand the TRUE meanings of the same.


Unknown said…
The answer to your question is very simple, god is in every religion, god is love and mercy, prophet mohammad said that the religion is the way you deal with people, be your self, love god and worship him as the way you believe the best, there are many religions and all came from god, does this mean that god decided to consider these religions -created by him- as dormant and obsolete, this is illogical, when people ask you if you converted or not just say one thing "i am exploring my way to heaven, yet deal with me as the person i am not the person you think i am because of a new brand name or tag called religion that people started to use to discriminate between humans and to increase the gap between a naturally social creatures"
Anonymous said…
Hello !
loool me as well , when I saw your business card , first thing came into my mind " is she Muslim? "
By the way , nice blog ;)

This is Abdulaziz " I had an interview with you 10 days ago and asked you for the address of your blog ;)

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